Wednesday, February 20, 2008

First Things...

I entered the world weighing 1 lb. & 14 oz., I was 13" long, and very feisty. Immediately upon my arrival Dr. Ross held me up in front of everyone so Dad could cut the cord, how embarrassing. To show my appreciation I promptly went potty on him. Then I was placed under a hot lamp and had all these people poking and prodding me. I really don't like people messing with me and I kept trying to push their hands away. They even tried taping me down, but I wiggled free! After several tense moments of examination I was wheeled to the NICU. That is where I currently reside surrounded by all these machines and monitors that tell my caregivers how I am doing on the inside.


Susan said...

What a surprise you are, Mr. Jonathan, for all us who thought you were going to be a May "let's go to the beach" baby instead of a February "Valentine hugs and kisses" one. Welcome to the ever-extending circle of the Family of God, little one. You are now a part of something precious and special which includes loving family and friends who only want the very best for what life has in store for you. The Bible says that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made" so you just keep being "feisty", Big Jon, and grabbin' those groceries any time you can get them so you can go home and sleep in your very own crib!

I guess I probably took the last photographs of you and your mommy while you were still hangin' out in the "waiting womb", never dreaming that you'd hit town so soon afterward. I'm looking forward to making some where we can definitely see you a little more clearly than hiding behind your mommy's pretty pink shirt. :-)You'd probably better start getting used to cameras because you've got a lot of loving friends and family who'll be wanting to make you their own little celebrity. Welcome to the World sweet boy. God is so good!

MattD said...

Wish I could've been there with you guys, but Heather made sure she woke me up to fill me in when she got home (@1:30! in the morning)...

Paige M said...

Jonathan, you will forever be known as "Lil' Sugar Ray" to me. You are a true fighter!

Jonathan said...

Susan, I'll bet you didn't think that Mexican we had was that spicy, LOL. I want copies of those pictures, please!