Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Second Day...

Well, it was a very busy day! My labs have been good throughout the day, but I have a couple of issues we're working on. First, my potassium is a smidgen high so they are going to help me regulate it til I can manage on my own. Second, it seems that babies like me often have a little trouble getting our liver up and running. I was starting to turn a tad yellow (Jaundice) so they put me under these blue lights (bili-lights). It's called photo-therapy, but I think of it as some sort of tanning bed. I've got these patches over my eyes, which are real annoying, but they protect them from the rays. The lights make me have a blue tint and I look somewhat Smurfish at times. They draw blood every three hours to keep a check on me. Nurse Neely said we should expect some "new" blood in a day or so. This is normal for preemies like me. Basically, everything is normal so far. Any problems I have had are things they have already told Mommy and Daddy to expect.


Anonymous said...

Well, Jonathan your way ahead of the game, already got you a blog and everything! Just wanted to say to your mom and dad that we are steadfast praying for you. Tell them hello for us. We can't wait for the day you get to go home with them and then you can meet all the people who have been praying for you! Love to you all - Brian and Melissa Mohr.

Anonymous said...

Please know that you have already an extended family at First Baptist Irondale, praying for you and your family- Ron and Desiree' Ellis

Anonymous said...

Dear Baby Jonathan, your name fits you so well because you are a courageous warrior! You have already touched so many hearts and don't even know it. You are a miracle given to us from our gracious Father. We look forward to meeting you soon and will continue to pray for you. Keith and Rebecca, know that you are in our constant thoughts and prayers. We love you and ask God to continue to bless you and give you strength. It will not be easy being discharged today without Jonathan but have comfort in the excellent staff in Brookwood's NICU. Dr. DiCarlo cared for McClain when she was there. They are a special people chosen by Him to care for Jonathan. Thank you for helping me see that even though we don't always understand it - God has a plan for us all! Bless you all, The Webbs

Anonymous said...

Jonathan you are an answer to prayer by a lot of people.We are looking forward to the day when we can hold you. We look forward to hearing from you everyday.we don't know what you are going to call us so this is Meme and Pop.

Jonathan said...

Hello Meme and Pop, it's good to hear from you. I enjoyed your visit the other day.