Friday, February 22, 2008

Fourth Day...

Last night was a good night. Elizabeth took one of the lines out of my belly button so I am now one chain down and closer to freedom! I know I'm jumping the gun, but a guy's gotta have dreams! This morning my O2 level is good and I might lose the bili-lights today. We'll have to see what my doc says. I'll update again after my morning routine.

FYI This monitor is the part of the ventilator that tells my respiratory therapists and nurses exactly how I'm processing O2. It reports how many times I breath vs. how many times it breathes for me, and a bunch of other stuff that's over my head. BTW I usually breath around 48 times a minute and it usually breathes for me about 21 times a minute. Not too bad, but needs to improve.

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness."
Lam. 3:22-23 (ESV)

The morning has gone fairly well. Alice, another one of my excellent nurses, had to adjust my PICC line. The PICC line enters my arm and travels close to my heart. I heard someone in the NICU (I can't remember the nurse's name) say that putting one in a preemie can be like threading a needle. Well, that can be a touch concerning when you're such a wee needle. Nevertheless, I have the Great Physician and top notch caregivers, so no worries. Besides it was only an adjustment and I heard Alice tell Daddy everything went well and I'm good now.

I have a specific prayer request for my Mommy and Daddy. You see, before too much longer they'll have to go back to work and won't be able to come around so much. I know they are already thinking about it. Just pray that Jesus will give them the peace that passes all understanding.

It has been crazy around here this afternoon. Around noon I had to be turned so I was lying on my back. If you've read my "Get to know me" section then you know I'm a tummy sleeper. Whenever I lay flat of my back I squirm, wiggle, and pull on my hook ups. I know they do it for a needful reason, so my body won't get too used to lying in one position. But it causes my O2 levels to go down and they have to give me more breathing help. I suspect that when I gain some strength it won't bother me so much. They did put me back on my tummy a short while ago.

My mouth and throat have needed suctioning twice this afternoon and evening. I'm a drooly baby, which means my mouth catches more of the wet stuff than I am able to cough out. This also causes me to need help in breathing. So, it looks like I'm really gonna need to gain some more strength before my breathing becomes 100% me.

However, the day ended on a good note. I got to spend some good one on one time with Mommy and Daddy. Mommy has been touching me and getting as close as she can from day one. Daddy, however, has been a little sick and has kept his distance. Today was the first time he didn't wear a mask when he visited me. He held my hand, it was cool.

One last thing for the day. I'm having an issue with my sodium levels, they are too unstable. My caregivers are treating me as they should, but I'm just not reacting as quickly as I maybe need to. So, please keep that in mind when you pray for me. Me and my family are so thankful for all the prayers. Yaw keep praying and I'll keep growing.


Anonymous said...


I want to thank you for exhibiting how precious life is and what a true blessing children are. I love my own children more than I can possibly put into words, but you have reminded me (in a most dynamic way) that all of you are a priceless gift from our Father. I pray to never take that for granted.

In just the short time you have been on this earth, God has used you to touch many hearts. I've seen it. You will surely do great things, I'm certain of that. You're already doing great things. Godspeed, Jonathan.

Jonathan said...

When Mommy and Daddy pray for me the first and last thing they ask the Father for is that I have a heart that loves Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Jonathan, your a real popular guy! There are loads of people praying for you and reading your blog, you know? We love you and your family. Dont get too comfortable being pampered in that place, we want you with all of us real soon!

S & G Gables

j_webb said...

Keep up the good work Jonathan! We can hardly wait to meet you in person!

Anonymous said...

We don't know each other, but I am praying for you all. My granddaughter, Abby was born on May 26, 2007, in Huntsville, at 26 weeks. She weighed l lb. 13 oz. You'll be interested to know that now at almost 9 months old, she weighs 14 lbs, 3 oz., and has no complications that we know of from her early arrival! She found her feet this past weekend and wowed her doctor with her developmental progress. You have a long road ahead, but the Lord is so faithful. He has placed Jonathan in the best of hands. As I'm sure you have already discovered, NICU nurses are the best ever. And before you know it, you'll be celebrating the best homecoming ever when you get to take little Jonathan home.

Pat McConnell
NorthPark member

Jamie said...

It was so nice to meet you yesterday. I will be happy when you get rid of your bili light so that I can see your precious face. I bet it is as cute as your tush. Not only are you a cutie, but you are also very smart. Did you and mommy tell daddy that you waved good bye to me. I dont know if you just really like me or if you just wanted me to leave! I love you and I can't wait to eat your chewed up cheetos and watch you learn to drink from a straw for the first time.

Tricia said...

You do not know me, I saw your blog address on G-Bay and checked it out. We are former members of Northpark and miss that church terribly, but we moved too far away to keep attending.

I will definitely be praying for you and for your mommy and daddy. I have twin boys who were 8 weeks early and were in the same NICU as you and had all the same doctors as you. We had excellent care, you could not be in a better place. My boys, Paul & David, are now 4 years old and are as healthy as can be.

I will add you and your parents to our prayer list. We also have a blog if you want to check it out, it is

In Christ

Anonymous said...

We will most certainly pray for your mommy and daddy. I can only imagine what they are going through. You just keep getting better and keep amazing us all everyday!

Jonathan said...

Mrs. Jamie,
Mommy & Daddy read your comments and told me about her eating Alex's moist chips he had conveniently put back in the bag. They also told me about the night he learned to drink from a straw in the Irondale IHOP. Daddy said Mr. Shane was so excited he called out to the waitress, "Get my son a Sprite he can drink through a straw." Priceless!

Rita said...

You weren't seeing visitors when Jeff and I were there on Tuesday night, so we didn't get to meet you, but we are friends of your Mommy and Daddy and will come back soon to meet you in person.

You are such a precious gift from God and your Mommy and Daddy love you very much. We have already been praying for all of you, but will add your special request to our list. You keep up the good work and continue to be strong and courageous.

Burt said...

j ray, you know we'll pray for your mom and dad ... we sort of like them! i know that as you're growing up you'll one day think they're the dullest, meanest, dumbest, etc. parents on earth ... but you'll keep growing up and eventually come to realize that they're incredible people who love you very much!

Anonymous said...

jonathan, i have the gift of working with your mommy and i just wanted to let you know not to worry about her. we have already bathed her, your daddy and yourself with prayers. God will give her and daddy the strength they need, and we'll take good care of mommy at work. God is great. Love Terry

Paige M said...

Jonathan (aka "Sugar Ray"),
We love you! Keep Fighting!

Kim said...

Ooooh, we've got some big plans for you, big guy! I'm glad you're so feisty. Just keep peeing on everybody to let 'em know who's boss.

Unknown said...

Jonathan, I have the pleasure of working with your mother. She is a very sweet and loving person and she and your daddy love you more than anything. They cannot wait til you get to come home so they can sit and love you all day and all night. I am positive that your Heavenly Father was there at your birth and helped you on your arrival. He gave you the strength to be a strong and hardy survivor. Through all of our prayers, he continues to be by your side. I know He will get you home as soon as He can. I just can't wait to see you in person. I continue to keep you and mommy and daddy in my prayers. See you soon.

Anonymous said...

Jonathan, We pray everyday that you will get stronger and that one day real soon you will be going home.
You are a precious gift from God,and we know he has something very special for you.we love you very much Meme and Pop

Jennifer said...


I verse for your Mommy and Daddy, "I raise my eyes to the mountains. Where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, Maker of heaven and earth."