Friday, February 22, 2008

My Nurses

I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd blog a bit. You've probably already picked up on how important my nurses are to me. They watch over me and make sure I get everything I need. I don't know where I'd be without them! Here are a few Dad has conned into letting him take their picture. They've started warning each other about the crazy guy with the camera, but they are sweet to do it! I think they understand he does it so my loved ones will get a better idea of the new friends I am making on my journey. I guess I'm kinda like a modern day Christian, the main character from John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, meeting new people as I travel toward the Celestial City. However, the main difference between he and I is everyone around me is all about helping rather than hindering me. Ahh, the deep thoughts of a preemie.


Burt said...

hey jonathon, i've met your dad and i know exactly what you're talking about!

Jonathan said...

Funny thing is he says the same things about you.

Rhonda said...

It is so great to watch your journey. The girls and I join hands each morning and pray for you. The say you are the cutest baby they have ever seen. Dr. DiCarlo is the best!!! We will be watching and praying.
Rhonda, Ivy, and Jade.

Melanie Gaines said...

Hey Jonathan, you have some excellent doctors. Dr. Mena and Dr. DiCarlo were my doctors when I was sent back to NICU after being home for two days. My mommy was really scared but they took real good care of me. You will do great. Mommy and Daddy are praying for you. Know that you're in good hands!!!
Alanna Gaines (and my mommy and daddy, Melanie and Scott)