Monday, February 25, 2008

Seventh Day...

I had a good night, pretty much slept the whole time. Nurse Shandra weighed me just a little while ago and I weighed in at 1 lb. and 10oz. I know that's down from my birth weight, but that's normal. Preemies loose a little weight when they are born, just like other babies. I heard nurse Julie tell Mommy that I've been maintaining this weight for a couple of days now and there should be an upswing in our future. So, I won't be calling Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig, give me all the grams, ounces, and pounds you can! We are about to get set up for my daily X-rays. They take pictures of my insides every morning just to keep a close eye on me. Yaw pray for me today and I'll do all I can to grow.

"For your steadfast love is before my eyes,
and I walk in your faithfulness."
Psalm 26:3 (ESV)

If you remember, in an earlier post I asked you not to "freak" if I went backward a little, such as having to go back on the vent. Remember? Well, today we took a step back, the first day we didn't go forward. Well, that's not 100% true because every day I'm here is a day forward, but you get my point. I was just getting worn out breathing on my own like a big boy. I needed a helping hand to do everything on my agenda. My breathing was really dragging and my labs confirmed it. So, Dr. Mena and the girls set me up with a SIPAP. No, I didn't have to go back on the vent, although it's still a possibility, but I am getting the help I need from the SIPAP. I'll explain the best a preemie can how it works.

You see, a vent breathes "for" you sometimes, a CPAP "helps" you breath on your own using pressure, while a SIPAP is a sort of combo machine. It breathes for you using pressure that kinda "reminds" you to breathe deep. The SIPAP is a mask like a CPAP, rather that a tube like the vent. See, it's kinda getting the best of both worlds except the SIPAP doesn't do the heavy stuff like the vent, but does more work that the CPAP.

So, until I get stronger we'll take all the help we need to get the job done. My Mommy and Daddy knew that there would be days like this. Preemies grow by the two steps forward one step back principle. It's gonna be this way for a while. So, don't be discouraged by rainy days. It takes a little rain to make the flowers grow. Just keep lifting me up. I'm little, but God is bigger than The Beatles, more powerful than Superman, smarter than Einstein, and the FRIEND that sticks closer than a brother!! It's His show, I'm just an allowed participant. So, let's just see what He's got up his sleeve.


Laurie Ann said...

Happy 1 week birthday Jonathan! I'm friends with your Grandpa Hal.
He is a wonderful volunteer for the American Red Cross. I've been sending you prayers since the day you were born. I'm so happy to hear about your progress 1 week later. Lots of love for you from Atlanta!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jonathan, I'm glad your breathing is good enough to come off the ventilator. Now you are officially in the C-PAP Fraternity. We'll teach you the hand shake later. You just get stronger. We all love you, mommy, and daddy. God Bless!

Crissy said...

So great to see you guys yesterday. Baby man is in our prayers daily.

Susan said...

Big Jon, you've finally graduated from being a young pup that's just "days" old to being a grand old man of an entire week. Another thing you'll discover as you ease on down life's road is that time passes at the same speed for everyone no matter how we might think otherwise. I read somewhere that one of the great scholars said that in order to put time in perspective to consider that "one second of putting your finger on a hot stove feels like one hour and one hour of kissing your girlfriend feels like one second."

While you're still just a little boy, Christmas and birthdays won't ever seem to get here soon enough. And then one day, and everybody's day is different, you'll discover that the days, weeks and months that separate one year from another have sped up like the roadrunner with Wiley Coyote hot on his tail (that's cartoon talk Big Jon; you'll get to laugh at the roadrunner just like your mommy and daddy did some day.)

God did a wonderful thing when He created us by giving everyone, rich, poor, red, yellow, black or white, the very same 60 seconds in a minute, the very same 60 minutes in each hour, the very same 24 hours in a day and so on. Kings, Queens and oil-rich Sultans receive no more hours in a day than you or me. It's heavy to think about, my little "almost 2 pounder" friend, but you are on equal footing with all of them when it comes to time. You probably don't know it now but you are already using your's to further God's Kingdom just like He wants us to just by the way that you've touched so many lives because of the extraordinary circumstances surrounding your equally-extraordinary birth. And when the time comes (there's that "time" thing again) you are going to hear all about another Baby Who was also born extraordinarily and how He came to earth to give you and me the gift of time, eternally.

Time's a wastin', I'll be talking to you again later!


your "adopted" aunt Sooz

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed meeting you today! You are such a strong little man! We are praying for you and your Mommy and Daddy daily! Keep fighting!
--Michelle Davis