Saturday, February 23, 2008

Fifth Day...

Good Morning, today is day five of my journey. I had a restful night. Elizabeth told me my parents called really late last night (Daddy) and really early this morning (Mommy) to check on me. It was probably one of my more restful evenings. My O2 had to be turned up twice, but each time they suctioned me and all the important "numbers" went right back to normal. Once I get to where I can force more of my drool out on my own then I won't need to be suctioned as much. But, hey I'm doing ok for only being at this a few days. Well, it's time for feeding (every 6 hrs.), labs, a new diaper, and for nurse Julie to listen to my insides to make sure they are in tip top shape. I'll get back later when I'm not being "handled." BTW I'm still under the bili-lights, but it's not uncommon for my docs to keep preemies under them for a little longer just to be thorough.
"This is the Lord’s doing;
it is marvelous in our eyes."
Psalm 118:23 (ESV)
I have had a really good day. When my parents got here this morning Alice let them into the unit and said, "We've got a surprise for you guys!" They walked over to my crib and saw that the ventilator was turned "off" and that I was wearing a CPAP mask. They were really shocked and happy! So, today I am OFF the ventilator and breathing on my own. (If for some reason I have to go back on the vent then you guys don't freak on me, agreed?! It's not uncommon for preemies to have to go back on for a short time.) My O2 saturation drops when they "handle" me, but that is due to my aggravation with them and not a medical issue. Also, my potassium and sodium levels are more steady, and my labs are now every six hrs. rather than every three. One final kicker for the day, I got my own tunes. They hooked me up with a tape player, a speaker, & some lullabies with a heart rhythm in the background. It ain't Skynyrd, but it'll do. JSR, out.

God has been so good to me today, but he's been good to me my whole life, even if I'm only 26 weeks old. The thing is this, if I go back on the vent tomorrow God is still good, Jesus still loves me, and that's all that matters.


Brenda said...

My dearest Jonathan - let me introduce myself. I am Miss Kimmy's mom and Grandma to Corin, Silas & Felix. I wanted to let you know that I have been praying for you for many days. You are very precious - to many people and even more special to our heavenly Father.

Take care - Brenda

P.S. I have also been praying for your mommy and daddy.

Burt said...

i talk with dr. strange and see if we can maybe get some led zeppelin in there for you

christine said...

Jonathan, I don't know you but I know the Turnipseeds, Huttons, Prewitts, and Corns. I love reading your blogs and seeing your pictures. You're such a handsome little man already! I am praying for you and your family. You are such a special gift from God, and someday, when you're old enough, you'll get to read all these messages and know how many lives you've touched and how many people were loving you and praying for you! You hang in there - maybe when you get a little stronger they'll let you pick the music!