Thursday, February 21, 2008

Third Day...

"How precious is your steadfast love, O God!
The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings."
Psalm 36:7 (ESV)

I rested really well last night. They let me sleep on my tummy for awhile and I really liked it! In this position my tush is in full view, but the ladies tell me it's cute. This morning I got my first taste of Mommy's milk when they placed a little inside my cheek, mmm! Please pray that my breathing continues to improve and that I keep growing according to schedule.

Today I accomplished a major task, I had my first BM, woo-hoo! They are putting in a PICC line this afternoon and I'll have some X-Rays later, so I'll be "handled" for a couple of hours. My kidneys are working great as I go potty a lot. You guys keep praying and I'll keep growing.

All my heavy work is done for the day. I'm gonna rest til tomorrow when I'll, once again, tell you about my day.

After a well deserved nap Elizabeth came by to do a "check" on me. She had started a slow transfusion (3 hrs. long) during my slumber and it was finishing up. It's normal for little guys like me to get a blood boost from time to time. She listened to my lungs, heart, and bowels, which is done every few hours. Everything was good to go! As we wrapped up our little diagnostic she changed my diaper and fed me some more of Mommy's milk. This time I got to suck on the Q-Tip for a second or two and I got every last bit of milk out of that thing! Mommy and Daddy were there for the whole thing and they just kept asking questions. I started squirming in an attempt to alert them that I was ready for this to be over. Shortly thereafter it ended and we all just hung out for a while.


Anonymous said...

Jonathan, we are steadfastly praying for your continued good health. You are a beautiful baby, and we can't wait to hug and love on you !!!!!!!

Your cousins from Florida,
Dee and Janis
and Sashay and Ozzie ( our little 4 legged kids !!)

Unknown said...

Great work Keith and Rebecca!

We love you guys and are here anytime you need us.

Steven, Maranatha, Daniel, Chloe, and Isaac

Ginger said...

I love the blog, thank you for setting this up so we can all see whats happening with you guys! Let us know how to best serve you during this time. I think its amazing how Monday we were all praying that the Lord would keep Jonathan in a few more weeks or even days, and all the while God knows best! What a awesome Father we have, who knows Jonathan, loves him deeply and has his best interest at heart at all times!
Psalm 139:13-18

Paige M said...

He is precious! What a tiny bundle of JOY! We are so thankful for this blog to keep us updated. (Especially Burt, who I'm sure is getting tons of questions!) We love y'all and will continue praying fervently.

Anonymous said...

Little Jonathan, this is so exciting to have someone in the family who is so fresh from heaven. I love reading about your adventures and this is just the beginning, you mighty warrior of God. Daddy is doing a good job helping you with your story. Love you very much. Great Aunt Hazel P.S. tell Mommy she did great.

Jennifer said...

Jonathon, you do indeed have a cute butt. Stay healthy! Our whole family is praying for you every chance we get.

BTW I love your blog!

Jonathan said...

I really appreciate everyone praying for me. It's good to be part of such a loving family, the Family of God!

Susan said...

Good morning Sweet Cheeks! What a cute little hiney you've got. You probably don't understand it right now but you'll soon find out that a lot of big people, mostly the ladies, can't wait to be able to reach over and give you a pat on it. I can't explain but there's just something about a sweet baby's bottom that reduces grown people to goo goo-ing nuthatches. You might even catch some people giving you a little "kiss on the cheeks" because we think everything about you is so cute and cuddly. Big people are funny Jonathan, yes we are, and you're going to be laughing at us for a long time. Have a good day! Love, your adopted aunt Sooz