Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Seventy-First Day...

Good morning. Well it's the start of another day in the NICU. I had a good day yesterday and a smooth night. I've started nursing twice a day and things are going well. (I told you guys there would be no trouble getting Mom to fix it so she could be here to do it, LOL. But I'm sure you all knew that was a foregone conclusion.) I nurse at 1:30 and 5:30, which is a little out of the norm. Sometimes preemies get tired when they nurse twice a day if those feeds are back to back. It takes a lot of energy to nurse, which can wipe a little person out. I was able to nurse back to back without issue, PRAISE! Also, I was handling the 40 ml really well so they upped my feed amount to 45 ml. I ate it all without issue, another PRAISE! This will continue as long as I have the stamina for it. So, please pray for continued stamina and strength. The only special event on for today is my nurse will need to draw blood for some routine labs. I continue to make steady progress in the breathing area, PRAISE! Lung development is always a slow go for preemies. So, this long process is normal and to be expected. This past Sunday my folks had a sit down with Dr. Strange. She assured them that I am doing GREAT and everything is progressing nicely. I still have a few hurdles to jump, but so far I've been able to meet every challenge. Through this whole experience God has been there strengthening and sustaining me. All the PRAISE and THANKS go to Him for bringing me to this point. Anything I've needed He's provided and I know he will continue to do so. Y'all keep praying and I'll keep growing. Have a great day! JSR, out.

As for man, his days are like grass; he flourishes like a flower of the field; for the wind passes over it, and it is gone, and its place knows it no more. But the steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him, and his righteousness to children’s children, to those who keep his covenant and remember to do his commandments.
Psalm 103:15-18 (ESV)

1 comment:

j_webb said...

Wow, you lookin' good young man! You're gettin' big!
Looks like you are taking after your mom in the looks department. You got lucky there!