Friday, April 11, 2008

Fifty-Third Day...

Good evening from BMC. I know I'm a little late getting this update posted, but it's been a really busy day. The Lord graced us with another good day. I had an Xray and everything looks to be as it should be, PRAISE! My labs were good and my stats weren't too far "out of whack" (highly technical medical phrase that means, OK). Dr. Mena adjusted my feeds to a whopping 28 ml per serving. I have been doing a real good job of digesting ALL my food, so he upped the amount again. If you're keeping count that's three ml in less than 48 hours! PRAISE! I was scheduled to have an eye exam this afternoon, but the eye specialist was late for some reason. I guess that will happen later tonight or tomorrow. That's the reason my eyes are so big in this picture. My nurse, Christine (aka "Mrs. Utah"), had just dilated them before this picture was taken. This afternoon was all about family as I cuddled with Mom and Dad came home from his trip, it was good to see him. We all hung out together and it was good! I think that catches you up on the latest news. I'm gonna go hit the rack and get some sleep, little dudes need their rest. JSR, out.
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power,
and of love, and of a sound mind."
2 Tim. 1:7 (KJV)


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear such a good update. Keep it up, kiddo!

MattD said...

If you keep eating so much your gonna look like your Dad!