Friday, March 7, 2008

Eighteenth Day...

I hope everyone had a good night's rest, mine was good. I did experience one dip in my heart rate around four this morning, but that's normal for preemies. Other than that I rested well and am doing fine. Neely was my nurse again and she told my Daddy everything was looking better with my labs, PRAISE! I hope they continue to improve. I tolerated my feedings, although I did have some residual (not fully digested) food after one feeding. Since it was just a one time thing the docs won't be overly concerned. Sometimes early babies have trouble processing every feeding. It's tough to get all this stuff right every time when you're just starting out. It's like when you start a new job and you have to learn the ropes at first. I got some more new blood yesterday, which really helped. They regularly take blood for labs and sometimes I get a little behind on replenishing my stock. When that happens a transfusion really gives me a boost. Today's plan is up in the air right now. One of my docs will make the rounds in a little while to scrutinize my chart and formulate a plan. I do know that my O2 saturation, feedings, BM's, and heart rate will be points of emphasis. So, pray for these things specifically. Oh, I forgot to mention that Dr. DiCarlo stopped my antibiotics! This means they have ruled out an infection. PRAISE the Lord!! This is a big deal for preemies since we are prone to developing infections. Also, Mommy's OBGYN (Dr. Ross) called yesterday to say the results are in from the placenta tests. Remember, the reason I am here so early was thought to be an infection that had developed in the womb. Well, that was it! They don't know how it started and no one did anything wrong, it just happens sometimes. It looks like God knew what he was doin' by getting me out of there when he did. DUH, Ya think!! I'm forgetting something...let me think...oh yeah, I had another really good BM yesterday. That's good news especially considering the extra stress of all that has happened. I think that's it. I didn't update last night because, frankly, it was an extremely long day and I was just plain tuckered out. I'll keep you posted on any news. Y'all keep praying and I'll keep growing. Later, JSR.

"Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times
in every way. The Lord be with you all."
2 Thess. 3:16 (ESV)


Anonymous said...

Hello you 3 Ray's,
Just wanted to say "Hi" and to tell you we are praying constantly for God's blessings in all things. Hang in there!!!
Love you guys
Mike and Lyn Jackson

Burt said...

the sign of true parenthood is when we get excited about BMs! so jray, keep on eating and pooping and growing!