Thursday, March 6, 2008

Seventeenth Day...

"Sing praises to the Lord, O you his saints,
and give thanks to his holy name.
For his anger is but for a moment,
and his favor is for a lifetime.
Weeping may tarry for the night,
but joy comes with the morning."
Psalm 30:4-5 (ESV)

I slept like a baby last night, pun intended. Neely was my nurse, she's really great! This morning I'll get the customary X-rays, labs, and full exam. I'm still on antibiotics for a possible infection. So far my blood cultures are negative for infection, but it takes up to 96 hours for them to rule out everything. So, keep praying for that. My O2 was better, but not great. It looks like my strength is improving as I am getting a lot of rest. It takes us little guys a bit longer to regain our strength when we get tired. I should resume feedings unless my doc has had a change of mind. Our prayers today will be specifically for an improved O2 saturation rate, more consistent "good" breathing patterns, no infections (so far so good), and resumed feedings. If it seems like we have a lot going on, we do! Many of these issues are interconnected and have a major affect on one another. You know I have many requests for my health issues, but I also have much to be thankful for. God has sustained me for 17 days here in the NICU. All in all my set backs have not been as bad as they could be. I have tremendous care from the people here. I have a ton of people praying for me. My family has been well loved and cared for by so many people. Through all of this God has been faithful, and he will continue to be! So, when you pray for me remember to praise and thank the Father for all he has done. Later, JSR.


Anonymous said...

My goodness, Jonathan, you are my hero! For someone so small to be going through so Thank you for the specific prayer needs, again.

Anonymous said...

Jonathan, we are leaving town to go see my Laura in Grayson Ga. but be assured , You will be on my mind and as ever in my prayers. I will check on you when I return Tuesday.

Get stronger and have a good report for me when I check on you Tuesday!!!!

Jon Jon Paul's Granny

Anonymous said...

Jonathan, just had an e-mail from my grandaughter that had preemie twins, I told her about you and she said if she could help you and your Mom and Dad in any way please contact her, she is praying for[Bonnie Colley]
Jon JonPaul's Granny