Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Twenty-Second Day...

Good morning from the NICU. I trust everyone has had a restful night's sleep. Personally, I had another good night of slumber. Things went about the same as the rest of the day, really smooth. My feedings went well, although I did have some residual (incomplete digestion of all my food) one time, but no one seems overly concerned since it was just once. I seem to be more stable in my breathing efficiency, which is reflected in the decreased help I am getting from the ventilator. I wish I had the knowledge to give you a more thorough explanation of the whole process, but here are the basics. The vent gauges how much it is helping me and I am down to only needing 5% of help on a consistent basis. So, my body is doing more of the actual work of absorbing the O2 out the air I take in. This also means that my body is doing a better job of pushing the CO2 out of my system. All really good news!
"I have put my trust in the Lord GOD,
that I may declare all thy works."
Psalm 73:28b (ESV)
Today I hope to take one more step toward getting off the vent. We'll just trust the Lord, do what we can, and let my doc make the call. Today we're praying for continued improvements in breathing and feeding, more rest and "actual" weight gain, as well as increased strength. I say this all the time and it never gets old; PRAISE the Lord and THANK YOU so much for all your prayers!! I don't have the words to express how much they mean to me and my family. Oh yeah, one final thought. The circumference of my head has increased, but I'm not gonna tell you by how much. I might get accused of having "the big head," LOL. I'm off to my morning routine. I hope everyone has a blessed day. Later, JSR.


Burt said...

jray, in your case it's okay to have the big head ... and big arms, big legs, etc. hopefully soon you'll get rid of that vent

Anonymous said...

Little One, You are so precious! I see the huge change in you since you were born!You are part of my morning routine now even though I don't know Mom and Dad.
I am so happy to see good reports. I have decided that when you get out of NiCU that I will spend a little more time praying for your parents than I do now I concentrate mostly on you right now but when you go home they will be sooooooooo busy!
Hey you could have been twins so if my Bonnie can make it with her two premies your Mom and Dad will do just fine.
Jon Jon's Granny

Anonymous said...

Little One, You are so precious! I see the huge change in you since you were born!You are part of my morning routine now even though I don't know Mom and Dad.
I am so happy to see good reports. I have decided that when you get out of NiCU that I will spend a little more time praying for your parents than I do now I concentrate mostly on you right now but when you go home they will be sooooooooo busy!
Hey you could have been twins so if my Bonnie can make it with her two premies your Mom and Dad will do just fine.
Jon Jon's Granny

Susan said...

Hi Big Jon,

you know, "weight" is such a funny thing. Big people want to lose it and little people want to gain it. It's sort of like hair. Curly haired people want straight and straight haired people want curly..if it's black we want blonde and if it's blonde we want more of it.

You're going to laugh at big people soon enough, Big Jon. Unlike you with your sweet, simple wants and needs (dry diaper, fully tummy, cuddles and kisses) we big people are a lot harder to please. Like you just try congratulating your mommy one day after she's stepped off the bathroom scales and she's gained a pound! That weight that you've put on that made her so happy will not get the same reaction when it's on her! :-) I'm just glad that God made us in all sizes and not "one size fits all". He sure made the world a whole lot more interesting when He did it.

Laura said...

I can really see a change in your picture today, Sweet Baby Ray. You're looking bigger and stronger :)

Tell your Mommy I'm sorry that last week was such a difficult one, but even in her writing she's the sweet aroma of Christ to the world.

Looking forward to the 2lb. mark, big guy. You're almost there!