Saturday, March 22, 2008

Thirty-Third Day (evening update)...

I thought I'd give you one last update for today. My day has gone pretty good although I had one period where my heart rate dipped. However, late this afternoon nurse Kelly went to Dr. DiCarlo and asked if my Daddy could hold me. Since I have been doing really well he said it would be ok. So for about an hour I took a nap while my Daddy held me. It was different than when Mommy has held me, but still cool. Now I have taken a nap in both my parent's arms. The neat thing is that my stats have remained stable whenever they have held me. Mommy says it's a sign that they should be allowed to hold me more, LOL. I don't think Dr. DiCarlo is buying her argument. Another first for the day was having Dad change a dirty diaper, which he didn't mind doing. It's been a big day and my belly is full from my most recent feeding. I'm gonna hit the rack early. I'll check back in tomorrow morning to wish y'all a blessed Resurrection Sunday. Rest well, JSR.

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