Sunday, March 9, 2008

Twentieth Day...

Praise ye the LORD. Praise the LORD, O my soul.
While I live will I praise the LORD:
I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being.
Psalm 146:1-2 (ESV)

Last night wasn't as good as yesterday. My labs weren't as consistent and my O2 & CO2 levels lacked the consistency we're looking for. I rested well and tolerated my feeding just fine, but my breathing efficiency continues to be a problem. This has been an ongoing issue since I first arrived at the NICU, but that's "normal" for some preemies. I'm learning that the word "normal" is a very subjective term. Today's focus will be on increased efficiency in breathing and better O2 saturation rates. That's what we're praying for today along with the usual requests for strength, stamina, good feedings, and rest.

My parents missed church this morning. I'm glad, they needed a break! They haven't been sleeping much over the last three weeks. Just yesterday my Daddy kept falling asleep. I wanted to tell him to go home and take a nap, but work had caused him to miss two visitations this week. I knew he wasn't leaving until he was good and ready. I think the Lord knows we get tired and just need some down time. The same thing happened to me this week. I was really tired and needed a break so the Lord provided the ventilator to give me some rest. They're coming up with the Phillips, some really good friends of my folks, after lunch. Meme & Pop are coming for a visit at 3, it'll be good to see them. I like the way they make a big deal over me ;-). Pop always has his camera ready for a picture, LOL. Well, that's about it for this morning, I'll chat back at you this afternoon. I hope everyone has a great Lord's Day! Blessings, JSR.


Anonymous said...

You looked cute as a button when we came to visit this afternoon, but of course you always do to us.Guess we are just a little prejudice.
Glad you were awake during our visit,and we got to see those pretty eyes.Pop got a good picture.We will let you see it one day.
Our prayer for you is that your lungs get stronger,and you breath without any help.We love you very much.Meme and Pop

Susan said...

Hi Big Jon!

It has been several days since your "adopted Aunt Sooz" vicariously crawled in to that space-aged incubator of your's and had a heart-to-heart talk about "big" and "little" people again. I'm up for it if you are.

Remember, right now you're still a "little" person. This means that although you don't get to make a lot of decisions on your own yet like what you're having for dinner or if you're going to wear a diaper or go "commando" your opinion still counts. You've got "big" people at your beck and call, something that happens a lot when you're a little person. The littler you are the bigger the "beck" so how about that! Right now you probably know a gazillion more big people than little ones because it's kind of hard to make friends when all you can do is yell from one incubator to another and just when the conversation starts getting interesting some big person will come along and butt right in to the conversation. When you're a little person someone is always wanting something or another from you and you just don't get very much privacy either. You'll have to wait until you get to be big before you can go to the bathroom without big people whooping and hollering like it's opening night at a Broadway show. You'll have to wait until you get a whole lot bigger before your mommny lets you get too far away too, without first giving you a big fat kiss on your head or ha ha, on your behind. I've already told you about that "behind" stuff and how irresistable little people's bottom's are--all of the big people, and me included I must confess, think that any baby's bottom thats just been coated with Johnson's Baby Magic has got to be kissed on. Fortunately for you we outgrow that after a while but certainly not in a short while and your mommy and daddy will think it's awfully sweet for a whole lot longer. You won't understand stuff like that until you get to be a big person yourself.

Ok, so let's make sure we are on the same page; right now you're a little person. But you are already close to being an entire month old if you can believe it! I've already told you about how time moves the same for everybody, big and little alike, even if we don't always feel that way. It's what we do with that time that counts to God. Your old Aunt Sooz is going to let you in on a may be little right now, but you are a GIANT in God's eyes and He has BIG plans for you. I know this is true because He has already used each hour of your 20 days that you've already been here to touch many many "big" people in a big, big, way. You may be physically little right now but you have the heart of Your Heavenly Father Which is bigger than the entire universe! (oh, so you don't know what the "universe" is yet? just wait--when you get big you'll be going to a place called "school" and you'll find out all about it. You probably won't get to learn very much about God there though but that's a subject for another day.)

Sleep well and eat well!


your "adopted" Aunt Sooz