Monday, March 24, 2008

Thirty-Fifth Day...

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on
your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Prov. 3:5-6 (ESV)

Greetings from Birmingham, I hope Easter was a blessed day for everyone. We had a great day! My folks came by for the usual after church visit. Meme and Pop were also here all afternoon. It was good to be with them and just hang out. Mommy got to hold me for a long time. I slept like a rock while she was holding me kangaroo style. My stats were really good so nurse Dee gave us a little extra time together, cool. Dr. DiCarlo told my Daddy that my Xrays were looking better and that I am making good progress. I hope I can maintain my current pace, but as you know preemies are always susceptible to set backs. Pray that my O2 saturation rate, heart rate, and stamina remain stable. My feedings are still going well and I'm growing little by little. It's better to have a steady gain than an all of the sudden growth spurt. So, thank the Lord for my steady growth! Last night was great as Kim and I just hung out and did the usual diagnostic tasks. I "behaved" much better as she only had to bathe me once and I kept my diaper on, LOL. I'll check back in later if time allows. Y'all keep praying and I'll keep growing. God bless you all! Later, JSR.


Anonymous said...

What a sweet Easter picture of you guys! I saw your parents at church yesterday but did not get a chance to speak with them. So tell them hello for me, if you don't mind!

Anonymous said...

You guys are still in our prayers. Jonathan looks so much better. Britton was in for 39 days which was an eternity in our eyes. Love you guys and we'll keep praying.

Danny, Emily & Britton