Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sixteenth Day (update)...

Today was a better day than the last two or three. My heart rate has been consistent and I was able to rest. I've started being fussy again whenever anyone has to "handle" me. This was a welcomed sign for my Mommy and my nurses. I've lost a little weight with all that's gone on, down to 1 lb. 12 oz, but I should be able to bounce back. The docs gave the go ahead to restart my feedings tomorrow. I'm ready to get off the IV only diet and start gettin' some of the good stuff. My O2 level is still inconsistent, which is frustrating. Sometimes it take preemies a while to get everything stabilized with their O2 & CO2. I guess I'm one of those guys whose gonna take his sweet time about getting this whole breathing thing straightened out, LOL. So, we'll just keep going forward from here trusting God to provide everything we need. Sleep well, JSR.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep it up Jonathan! We're praying for you daily. We're also praying for your mom and dad. I am glad to hear your feedings can resume. Tell your momma to make lots of good milk for you.